Uranus Direct in 23.5




Uranus Retrogrades 1x / Year for 5 months

Retrograde: September 1, 2024 – January 30, 2025
Gates & Lines: 8.3, 8.2, 8.1, 23.6, 23.5
Direct: January 30, 2025 – September 6, 2025
Gates & Lines: 23.5, 23.6, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 20.1, 20.2
Retrograde: September 6, 2025 – February 3rd, 2026
Gates & Lines: 20.2, 20.1, 8.6, 8.5, 8.4

Rave I Ching Gate & Line Descriptions

Splitting Apart
Amorality. The awareness and understanding which leads to the acceptance of diversity.

6 Fusion | 23° 33′ 45″ – 24° 30′ 00″
The gradual attunement of diversity through synthesis.
♂▲ | The exponential growth of energy and its power of assertion engendered by fusion. Individual knowing which brings diversity to synthesis.
♃ ▽ | The principled but futile withdrawal from fusion that leads to atrophy. Individual knowing that holds on to diversity and loses its power in expression.

5 Assimilation | 22° 37′ 30″ – 23° 33′ 45″
The practical acceptance of the values of another path.
♃ ▲ | Expansion and contribution through assimilation. The gift of communicating individual insight to the collective.
▽ | Motive driven assimilation from an inferior position, i.e. for protection or nourishment. Motive driven assimilation for acceptance and protection from the collective.

Holding Together
The basic worth realized in contributing individual efforts to group goals.

8.6 Communion | 29° 11′ 15″ – 00° 07′ 30″
The certainty which grows out of harmony. 
♀▲ | The awareness of patterns that ensures correct timing. The gift of knowing when to contribute creatively.
♇▽ | Doubt, which may engender regret even in the most ideal circumstances. Uncertainty in timing and regret despite circumstances. 

8.5 Dharma | 28° 15′ 00″ – 29° 11′ 15″
Holding together does not exclude eventual separation. Successful union, after a proper term will encourage separation. The fledgling once mature is expected to leave the nest. This is right action which does not harm the integrity of the union.
♃ ▲ | The teacher. Contribution as part of a process of sharing that accepts and expects limitation, exemplified in teaching.
☉▽ | The parent that cannot let go of the child, understanding only, that its authority is
being challenged. Contribution as an end in itself that neither accepts nor expects
limitation, exemplified by the parent that cannot let go of the child.

8.4 Respect | 27° 18′ 45″ – 28° 15′ 00″
The gift of naturally recognizing the contributions of others and particularly, the acknowledgement of those who lead by example.
♃▲ | The uncompromizing drive to assimilate. The drive to contribute and be an example
to and for others.
☿▽ | In a group where limitation is transcended, reason alone cannot predict individual
worth. As an example, the acknowledged leader of an athletic team is not necessarily
the most talented. A gift for contribution that is not conditioned by limitations.

8.3 The phoney | 26° 22′ 30″ – 27° 18′ 45″
The acceptance of the style and not the substance of communal actions.
▲ | The perfected and rarely detected superficial intimacy. The example as an expression
through style, not substance.
♄▽ | A shallowness that underestimates others and overestimates its own ability to continue its deception without detection. An overreliance and unfounded confidence in

8.2 Service | 25° 26′ 15″ – 26° 22′ 30″
☉▲ | The highest good, to serve selflessly. The potential to be an example through unselfish expression.
▽ | The earth in detriment, where reward is a prerequisite of service. The willingness to
be an example for a price.

8.1 Honesty | 24° 30′ 00″ – 25° 26′ 15″
The truthful acceptance of limitation and re-cognition that it can only be transcended
through sharing.

♆▲ | The awareness that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Knowing
that creative expression must be honestly communicated and shared.
☿▽ | Withdrawal. The fear of losing individuality in a group environment. The design to
share creativity at the expense of individuality.

Recognition and awareness in the now which transforms understanding into right action. 

2 The dogmatist | 01° 03′ 45″ – 02° 00′ 00″
Restrictive and intentionally limited understanding.
♀▲ | The limitation if personal and exclusive is less negative through ascetic withdrawal. A restrictive awareness of the now.
▽ | The power to lead others down a narrow path. The gift through expression of leading others down a narrow and restrictive path.

1 Superficiality | 00° 07′ 30″ – 01° 03′ 45″
A reliance on shallowness.
♀▲ | The raising of superficiality to an art form. The sloganeer. Superficial expression as an art form.
▽ | The superficial expression of the personality. The expression of the superficial personality.

The Unusual | Innovation | Side-Track | Movement

Uranus moving retrograde programs us to:
  • Prepare for unexpected delays or setbacks in projects related to innovation, technology, or personal transformation.
  • Reflect on recent upheavals, unexpected events, and the impact they have had on us.
  • Internally integrate the changes that have occurred since the last retrograde period. 
    • Have your identities, beliefs, or relationships been re-shaped?
    • Have you uncovered hidden desires, fears, or motivations that may have influenced recent events?
  • Adjust, refine, or completely overhaul any plans or strategies initiated during the direct period. 
  • Accept & allow heightened sensitivity, mood shifts, reactivity, and unpredictability in relationships.
    • Have you noticed old patterns or unresolved conflicts rising to the surface?
  • Be our independent selves, breaking free from limiting structures and relationships.
Uranus moving direct programs us to:
  • Take action on insights gained during the retrograde period. 
  • Embrace unconventional approaches and unexpected opportunities.
  • Break free from limitations, assert independence, and embrace individuality.
  • Challenge the status quo, question traditional beliefs, and advocate for personal and collective freedom. 
  • Accept & allow social and cultural shifts, with a focus on issues related to technology, innovation, and social justice. 

Read more articles about Uranus stationing direct from Ang Stoic and Moon Omens

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