Satisfying Gate 19

☉ 1.3 3469_8ad514-0a> |
☉ 13.1 3469_d2c15b-46> |
⊕ 2.3 3469_b53023-bb> |
⊕ 7.1 3469_4ead8a-29> |
☽ 61.1 3469_1520c8-4a> |
☽ 25.2 3469_176773-21> |
‘It is very important to see that in the whole 19th gate lie so many things that have dominated our lives. It is a core fuel: this need for food, the need for how we can share the food and be interdependent in our process. All the fundamental rules for whether we will support each other or not, the amount of service and sacrifice that is demanded by any tribal relationship, all of that in the 19 carries a great deal of weight in the world. We are going through a process of having this energy vitalized.
The one thing that is clear to me about the nature of the world is that, unless you satisfy the 19 as a universal theme that is everywhere, there will never be peace. The 19 must be satisfied. The resources must be there and it must be fair. It must be clean and interdependent. That will take a long time for the emotional system to change so that we can break through the motor, and then we can begin to see that the nature of community lies in its spirit. The spirit is the whole thing.’ Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion

‘The 19th Shadow of Co-dependence has its roots deep within our tribal ancestral past. Co-dependence refers to the state of consciousness below independence. To be independent means to rely only upon yourself, whereas to be co-dependent means to rely on outside agencies. As primitives we primarily relied upon nature for our survival and because we relied upon an outside agency we anthropomorphised it. In other words, we created gods to represent that agency. Thus it is out of the 19th Shadow that all the world religions have been born. Our relationship with God or a set of gods is a purely co-dependent relationship because it is based on this need for outside authority. It is here in the 19th Gene Key that one of the great human stories is coded — the story of our relationship to God. As long as man believes in a God outside himself, the frequency of our planet will remain at the level of the 19th Shadow.’ Richard Rudd | Gene Keys