Right Action & The Experiential Way

‘This whole process of the experiential way, its whole goal is that you will find your way through right action, because only then do we have progress, real progress. If I think about Rome 2000 years ago, it’s pretty much like Ibiza today. There are a few different things, but there isn’t a hell of a lot of progress. Consciousness hasn’t come very far since then. What has happened is that we have had a growth of information. We have a fabulous collection of information without synthesis, just stuff. So much stuff that you cannot digest it, because there’s so much stuff from people who claim that they know what’s good for you, that nobody gets to operate according to their Design. They operate according to conditioning.

All you have to do is look at the BodyGraph and realize that 70% of humanity has an open Head Center. 70% of humanity thinks about things that don’t matter, and that’s what runs their life. Over 60% of humanity has an open Ego, so most of humanity is running around trying to prove to everybody they’re worthwhile by changing themselves so other people will accept them. There is no right action. And then we think we have examples of right action in front of us based on the moralities that grew out of our lack of awareness and we set them up as examples that some old celibate fart that tells people that they can’t have an abortion is suddenly an example—of what?—only within the context of the morality, nothing else. That’s not my example; I’m my example.

This is the power of uniqueness. The power of uniqueness to defy conditioning because conditioning has no right to be your Authority; no God, no government, no partner, no child, no anything. That’s right action. And you don’t get there by thinking it, because most people say “Well, I am going to do it,” and they don’t even know what that is. It was my old joke about people hating themselves. I used to say to them, “Look, get the joke, you’re hating the wrong person. You don’t know who you are. You’ve never lived who you are.” You can’t.

Anytime you look at a chart and you see an open Center, you see a wall that’s standing between you and the truth. It’s just standing there in the way. It’s forcing you to look at things in a way that is not correct. I love this Line of Enforcement, because by the time you come off the roof as a 6th Line being, you better be right action. And you better enforce that right action and enforce that right action in others. We train all these kids to be alike. Go into a school. I know; I’ve been there. Everybody gets taught the same thing regardless of their ability. We’re just homogenizing agents. We don’t want our children to stand out and be different, we’re afraid that they’ll have a hard time. We want them to be integrated. They want to be like everybody else.

It’s a sickness, and it’s a sickness that’s rooted in the deepest of fears. It’s just fear; there’s nothing more frightful than the Emotional system, it’s full of fear. This is the whole human trip, this incredible fear of the process of life, and the fear, the deep, deep fear of tomorrow. They’re afraid, so they spend all their time worrying about this and that, and how I’m going to do this, and how I’m going to do that, instead of seeing that life looks after that.’

Formats and Transcendence – The Abstract System | Ra Uru Hu

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