Pluto entered Gate 41 on 04/12/24
Pluto entered Gate 60 on 05/25/24

Pluto re-entered Gate 41 on January 30, 2025

Pluto Interregnum

Pluto’s current interregnum (1781 – 2027) started a new process as 9-centered beings with the possibility of turning the emotional motor off, offering neural development and an 84-year lifespan. Everything about this cycle is about the transformation of the Solar Plexus system towards awareness potential, and as the mutation takes hold, Right-ness will be able to collectively emerge in a healthy way. 

Read more about the stages of the emotional mutation.

Pluto & Neptune Transits

Each Gate / Line that Pluto transits represents a program that’s being altered. It transforms every gate, bringing a change in the balance that highlights an end and beginning or a death and resurrection. Pluto is about finding truth in the journey vs. the initiating expectation. Its cycle lasts 256 years, staying in Gates for 3-7 years at a time. 

Neptune brings dissolution, or the breakdown of the endings that Pluto highlights. It moves in it’s own timing, helping to cement the imprint for our continuing evolutionary history. It’s cycle lasts 165 years. 

Neptune and Pluto are the only two Planets that can change the frequency of the line themes that create the program. They both have cycles longer than the human lifespan, and people born with this type of definition genetically transfer the frequency through their generations. 

By the time that everyone who carries the definition has died, the frequency has already become part of our evolved makeup. At that point, there is no need for direct imprinting from Pluto until it returns to alter the theme once again.

Rave Cosmology IV, The Interregnum

The homogenized world is going to be deeply, deeply upset by this. They’re going to follow all of those people that they think they’re worth paying attention to, the ones that are going to tell them this and that. It’s always been like that, the strategic masters to their sheep. And is this the way life is supposed to be? You’re going to have a lot of upset and angry people, because as this moves forward it’s going to be so obvious to them that there’s something wrong, deeply wrong and they won’t know how to deal with it.

It’s nice to have good intentions, but you can’t screw around with mechanics. It isn’t going to change a thing. The very structure, the very institutions themselves are in decay. And they don’t know what to do with this changing balance of these fundamental questions. “Will I ever get what I need?” Eventually there are those that will be able to say, no, it doesn’t work anymore and I’m lost and sad and hungry, instead of understanding, no it was never meant to be this way for me, as a nine-centered being. I will get what is correct for me. And in that, literally, everything I need.’
Ra Uru Hu | Rave History 1

Pluto in 36 (1815-1821)

Pluto danced through Gate 36 from 1815 – 1821, finalizing Its transformation of each Gate in the Face of Mitra and changing the answers to humanity’s major questions:

Pluto in 36 saw the 9-Centered being become the majority of the population, while the children born with these activations began genetically programming humanity toward a new set of answers. This marked the beginning of drastic changes to the human experiential way, discovery, and trial and error. 

Children born with these activations were reaching the end of their lives when Pluto entered Gate 35 in 1902. This brought a new frequency to the other side of the channel as we began to rely on the generational conditioning of the Gate 36 frequencies that were genetically disappearing from the world. 

Mitra’s Questions & Changing Answers

Mitra’s questions are THE questions, or the source of intellectual conditioning that points humanity in a certain direction while simultaneously creating millions of additional questions in their unfolding. The questions have a balance and there is no absolute answer. They go through cycles of ‘yes’ and ‘no.’

These questions and answers intellectually control us because we have physically internalized them.

  • 7C: Yes, I can count on them to meet my needs
  • 9C: No, I depend on inner authority to meet my needs
  • 7C: Yes, attention from others is empowering, and I will adapt to keep it
  • 9C: No, being aware of myself is empowering, and I will adapt to honor my moods
  • 7C: Yes, everything works out for a reason
  • 9C: No, I trust inner authority to respond within any experience more than what I am told about any experience
  • 7C: Yes, I trust the answers that others give me
  • 9C: No, I become aware of what is true for myself by watching my own response to life

Neptune in 36 (2022 – 2025)

In 2012 ’No’ began to dominate as a global frequency. Spirit stopped energizing traditions inherited from 7-centered beings, and humans began to experience a change in hopefulness regarding their questions. We could feel Neptune approaching Mitra, bringing dissolution to the collective endings highlighted by Pluto in the early 19th and 20th centuries. 

Neptune entered Gate 36 in 2022, where he continues to offer the opportunity to let go of the old collective answers through personal experience. However, we are continuing to learn about embodied mental decisions and how to let go of them, and we don’t know who will or will not be capable of releasing internalized answers. 

The experiential way is also losing it’s power, and it will continue to dissolve as Neptune approaches Gate 35, effectively bringing the end of the way in 2057. We may see a continued decrease in the collective desire to try new things, causing us to seek mental security in systems and authorities that we believe in, causing a rise in both fear and fundamentalism. 

The changing answers are deeply impacting the mind, and anyone operating from the mental plane will experience enormous confusion as Pluto continues to change the balance. Human Design is here to help us embrace passenger consciousness, which is rooted in individual awareness vs. collective belief. 

‘Following inner authority offers the opportunity to be correct mechanically so that you can say: No, this is not the way life is supposed to be. No, I don’t have to pay attention to anyone else. No, I don’t have to worry about the world delivering my survival.  You can handle all of this yourself because the deepest resource you will ever have is you.’
Ra Uru Hu, Rave History I

‘Every day we move closer to 2027 there are changes that are taking place in the very form that we operate in. And there is a mechanism for that, and the mechanism is Pluto. Pluto is something that is so extraordinary to me. It’s such an incredible thing. And it really is the outsider. I’m not so pleased with the fact that they’ve given these objects the name of dwarf planets because I don’t really think that phraseology works.

However, Pluto is different, clearly different. It doesn’t belong in the family of the planets, and it’s been thrown out. It’s imposed itself; it snuck in from 1930 to 2006, and played its game. All of this is about Pluto. It’s all about Pluto in the sense that Pluto is the instrument of the step-by-step mutative transition. And the mutative transition that is there that with every step it opens up the possibility for the rave, it diminishes the potential of the human; the great god of the underworld. We’ve counted a lot of dead since 1930. I would imagine that we have counted more dead since 1930 than all the human beings that died up until 1781, guarantee it.

It is a grace to embrace the power of a door-closer. It’s what “Hu” means in my name, this title that was given to me. It basically means “door closer.” It’s all about door closing. It is where I identify at the deepest level with Pluto, because I understand something about closing doors. It is that closing of the door can be so absolutely perfect. Because as we move towards that point, things are revealed, like Human Design, this magical revelation that emerged out of the trick of Pluto playing a member of the family.

The truth—from the very beginning in my descriptions of the nature of Pluto I have always referred to Pluto as the truth. And it is a truth that can be not necessarily one that brings joy into your heart as an individual, but a deep respect for such a role. It is such a role, what a force.

But this is Pluto’s role. And this emergence of Uranus into our consciousness, at that moment and here on the left this is what we’re looking at here, we’re looking at the discovery of Uranus in 1781, and you can see very clearly that you’ve got Pluto in the 41.5 personality, at the design level it’s in the 41.2. Again, this goes back to the story of the 41st gate and its magic. This is the great initiator.

But it’s interesting to think that this human experiential way is that what we’re looking at is the end of the human experiential way when Pluto began this process in 1781 in the 41st gate. The experiential way is something that was profoundly a part of the seven-centered process, the world of the fates. And that here in Pluto being in this initiating codon, being in the start of the experiential process that this vast plutonic cycle—after all, over 250 years in an extraordinary breath of time for us as humans—that here is the perfect and magical mechanics, this movement of Pluto: 1781, discovery of Uranus, 41.2, 41.5; 2027 complete cycle later on the Ides of February, 41.2, 41.5. It’s really magical to see that Pluto is the instrument of this transformation and the god of this graph.

In a way it is appropriate, because the thing that’s so interesting about Pluto and its management of this interregnum is that it brings both death and treasure. It brings the end of something; it brings the beginning of something else. And the treasure that it brings out is not the treasure from the outside, but the treasure from within the body. The treasure that is buried within the form, the magic that is churning in the solar plexus system now, this magic underneath, this awareness system waiting for its moment to shine.’ Ra Uru Hu, Rave Cosmology IV


Hu, R. U. (2009). Rave History I. United States; Jovian Archive Corporation.
Hu, R. U. (2006). Rave Cosmology IV. United States; Jovian Archive Corporation.

Additional Reading

Read more about Pluto Interregnum at Jovian Archive.