North Node in 36
☉ 44.6 3431_ff29b1-ae> |
☉ 19.4 3431_53085a-c8> |
⊕ 24.6 3431_9ca57e-58> |
⊕ 33.4 3431_8be8e3-8f> |
☽ 11.1 3431_ffab48-ed> |
☽ 30.5 3431_d7c4de-86> |
Previous North Node in 36 Transit:
July 9th 2006 – November 23rd 2006
Previous North Node in 6 Transit:
November 30th 2015 – January 25th 2016
☊ North Node in 25 | 12/5/24 – 1/30/25
The Nodes have been in 25/46 since December 5th, 2024, fueling the environment with themes of love and identity:
- Strong identities
- Universal love and love of the body
- Religion and spirituality
- Relative innocence, uncontrived activities
- Perceptions of life being about luck or the lack of it
- Blurriness around perceived success or lack of it
- Blurriness around effort and dedication
- Deception, cutting through appearances
- Competitiveness
- Being content within oneself
- The illusion that needs to be penetrated
☊ North Node in 36 | 1/30/25 – 6/13/25
The Nodes moved into 36/6 today, fueling the environment with the hope and pain of the emotional wave:
- Human beings in conflict
- Conflict creates friction that is productive or not
- Tension, trauma, crisis, sexuality
- Emotional turmoil about difficulties of life, experiential failure, and the dilemmas and inadequacies of experience
- Potential to develop and gain experience / experiential understanding
- Experience can be devastating and void of progress
Line Companion
‘We come to the Darkening of the Light, to the 36th hexagram. We come to the beginning of our look at possibility gates. This is the possibility to release the emotional energy, the emotional wave. The 36th hexagram is by far the most powerful wave-releaser that we have. It has a direct access to the throat: the channel of Transitoriness, the design of a Jack of all trades, the design of the experiential way, the design of gaining experience.
This is all about the experiential path and this hexagram is enormously powerful in that. When people see that it is the gate of crisis, the thing to recognize is the nature of this gate and why there is crisis there.
This is gate of inexperience. It has been initiated by the 41st hexagram, which initiates the fantasy, the beginning of a possible new experience. It finally gets into the solar plex system in the 30 and there, it becomes a feeling and a yearning to be able to fulfill the nature of that feeling. When it gets to the 36, that feeling is fully conceptualized in the emotional sense of the word. What is there is the readiness, the depth, if you will. It is the mirror of the 48 (to attempt the experience and the deep frustration) and it is dependent on the presence of the 35 to release it, which puts the 35 under enormous pressure.
This is the human way. Because it is the gate of inexperience, what happens is that, regardless of what the experience is going to be, there is always a point of crisis, maybe a tiny crisis, maybe a huge crisis, but inexperience always leads to that. You can’t help but make mistakes when you have never tried something before. You have to be very lucky to avoid that. In that sense, this is the nature of crisis here.
The awareness and power to generate a feeling or not: this is the energy to generate a feeling, to generate it outwards to drive an experience. In sexual terms, this is the gate of sexual penetration. This is the gate where you have to do it. By the time you get to the 36, you have to do it, whatever the experience is. You have all this energy built up in you so that you are prepared for it at any given moment. The change can be so sudden, in that sense.
This awareness possibility is the hunger wave of hope and pain. Here, the frustration is very powerful. I must penetrate this experience. I must have this experience. This is the energy that is there and, of course, when you are hopeful it is like “Yes, I get it.” When you are full of pain it is, “Why can’t I get it?” and the frustration that comes with that. What usually happens is that what you can’t get from one source, you usually give to somebody else. It is not personal after all. This is the classic story of someone who is full of desire and they go looking for their lover and their lover is not home, and they find another one in the bar. This is strictly impersonal. This is simply about living out the experience. If there is nobody there for that experience, there will be someone else. That is why crisis is so common in this. It is not personal; it just pops out all the time.
Keep in mind that the 36 is exactly opposite the 6, which generates the motor, and the 36 is its mirror. Nothing generates a wave like the 36. It is quite an expressive thing to see it in motion. ‘
Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion | Gate 36
Justice | The inevitable survival of the right
♃ ▲ | The knowledge and attendant faith that the powers of darkness eventually destroy themselves. ‘Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.’ The correctness of crisis when it arises out of pure feelings.
♄▽ | A profound sorrow and cynicism, that is not diminished by the understanding, that darkness is self-annihilating. The sorrow or cynicism that comes with seeing that despite the correctness of the feelings, there is always crisis.
‘We have the 6th gate in the channel of Mating, a design focused on reproduction: Conflict, the gate of friction. Its energy is the hope and pain wave of intimacy. Its potential is the awareness or, let us put it this way, the emotional wave whether to bond or not: the channel of intimacy. Understand how the wave works: the wave does not take you from one side of the line to the other. Don’t confuse this. The emotional wave is not going to take you from the exalted to the detriment and back again. You will get that from meeting people who will have planets in those positions and are going to fix you in one end of the wave or the other. You have the transits that do that, as in any other process in the chart. The thing to recognize about the hope and pain wave, and I will illustrate that to you as we go through the lines, is that it operates in each part of the line. There is a hope and pain aspect to every part of these lines, whether we call them exalted or in detriment. The exalted will have a hope and pain wave and the detriment will have a hope and pain wave. It is not that the wave is going from one to the other. Don’t confuse that.
The 6th gate is the gate of the pH in our biology and this is what establishes the barriers. If you look at the heading of the 6th gate in the Rave I’Ching, it says: The fundamental design component of progress. The law that growth cannot exist without friction. Remember, the other side, the 50th gate, is tribal law. Here in the 6th gate, we have biological law. Life, reproduction, cannot exist without friction, without this gate. There are many things in that. The 6th gate is the place where the motor sits. That is the motor that generates these six different waves. The thing to keep in mind about the nature of this gate is its mystical mystery because this law about growth is rooted in this wave. We would never be in an evolutionary field unless we were living in the emotional wave. The emotional wave is what makes the general field fertile and that fertility is not just about reproducing children. The emotional field is a fertile field. It can also be sterile. That is the other side.
The 6th gate carries within it this law that growth cannot exist without the motor. That is why, the moment somebody has the 6th gate and they step into your life, they dominate your frequency because they come with the power of that motor which stimulates growth. By the way, if you are not in resonance with that power it may do exactly the opposite. In other words, it can begin a process of decay that leads to friction and conflict in the mundane sense. It is very important to see that this gate has enormous power. It is a gate of fusion. It fuses feelings, moods and sensitivity, these three streams that move through the solar plex center.
In a sense, what you are really seeing is that out of the 6 and out of its motor come those three streams. They are born out of or grow out of this law of the 6th gate. What we call feelings or moods is rooted here. The key is that each line that I am about to take you through in the 6th gate resonates with a wave. Each line is, in that sense, the fundamental expression of each of these aspects of the wave. I like to think of them as six different gears and each of them are expressed in language in each of the lines in the 6th gate.’
Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion | Gate 6
The Peacemaker | The discipline and integrity of a superior force to unilaterally cease conflict to permit surrender and survival of its foe.
☿▲ | The highest form of reason is that life is sacred. The emotional power to end conflict tempered by feelings and sensitivity to others.
♀▽ | The peacemaker whose actions are just but whose terms are unacceptable. The emotional power to end conflict but only after one’s conditions have been satisfied.
Gene Keys Shadows
When emotional turbulence is resisted, it becomes nervousness that ripples through one’s entire body and aura. These are natures that are terrified of change and that attempt to maintain outer calm at all costs. The cost is that the turbulence becomes internalised and gets trapped in the nervous system. Such zpeople are unable to relax and send nervous waves into their immediate environment as well as into others, destabilising the very things that they are trying to keep stable. These are also people who tend to repress their sexuality out of their deep-seated fear of change. They can be very hard to approach or get to know. Nevertheless, the terrific primal force of our sexuality cannot be indefinitely repressed, and the usual result is a nervous breakdown or cancerous disease of some kind.
Crisis – Prone
When emotional turbulence is expressed without clarity or honesty, it results in repetitive destructive emotional situations. These are people whose lives run like the soap operas. The reactive nature is more likely to have sexual affairs and then conceal them through guilt. However, as with the repressive nature, non-acceptance of your true nature always comes back to haunt you, and thus life will always tend to draw an emotional crisis into such a person’s life from a different and usually unexpected direction. These people do not realise that their inability to deal with their emotions and sexuality cleanly and honestly creates further turmoil in other seemingly unrelated areas of their life.
Gift: Humanity
When your struggles with sexuality and emotional turbulence are finally embraced openly and honestly, a remarkable Gift is born — you finally graduate as a human being! The 36th Gift is the Gift of Humanity, and this is what human suffering is really all about. It is our suffering that connects us all together. It opens up your eyes beyond your self-obsessions and forces you to evolve beyond your selfishness. To be a fully integrated human being means to begin to transform your own suffering and open your heart to life. A person with the Gift of Humanity is a person who truly understands human emotions and who consequently understands all people.
Richard Rudd | Gene Keys | Gate 36
The repressive nature of the 6th Shadow is concerned with maintaining peace between people, regardless of the cost. This pattern is based entirely upon fear and means that these people will totally compromise themselves in order to maintain control of their emotional environment. This is the defence pattern of over-attentiveness, and these are the people pleasers. The repressive nature will sweep conflict under the carpet by adopting any behaviour that will keep it at bay. The problem here is that unless conflict is dealt with transparently it tends to eventually explode. The over-attentive nature is at its core deeply false, which means that it will invoke unconscious distrust in others. Overattentive natures also tend to draw tactless natures to them, resulting in some spectacularly dysfunctional relationships and family dynamics. When these people finally develop the courage to face conflict, they realise it is never as bad as they feared.
The other side of this 6th Shadow is unable to contain its emotions at all. Lack of emotional tact and timing betrays a low frequency nature that inevitably results in a backlash. These people are always finding themselves in difficult emotional situations, which they make worse by giving vent to their anger, as well as projecting it onto others. They are unable to take responsibility for their own volatile feelings. Their most common defence is to lash out and then storm away. The dilemma of the tactless nature is that it is deaf to its own lack of tact. These people assume that the problem is always in the other person which, unfortunately, earns them no friends and makes it very difficult for others to get close to them. The only kind of person who will remain with such a pattern is the over-attentive nature described above. The secret to breaking this pattern is for reactive natures to take full responsibility for their emotions, instead of remaining stuck in a teenager mentality.
At a heightened frequency, the 6th Gift pulls rapidly away from the world of conflict and argumentation. This is the Gift of Diplomacy — the ability to adjust your own behaviour to create a harmonious exchange with others. This gift is a by-product of opening your heart to another person. As you become clearer about your own emotional conditioning, you begin to feel more peaceful. Because this Gift is so deeply connected with the pH balance in your physical body, it also has the effect of stabilising the emotional aura in your environment. In other words, when one is able to see and own their unconscious projections, they actually rupture the collective Shadow patterns wherever they go. If one person is not playing the reaction/blame game, the other is forced to come to terms with his or her own demons.
Richard Rudd | Gene Keys | Gate 6