Experience & Transcendence

So, that’s what the Abstract is here to tell us. The great teaching of the Abstract process is any experience can lead to transcendence. If you hear the stories of many people that have had mystical experiences in taxi cabs, falling down a flight of stairs, standing in a subway station, people have them in all these mundane situations because the triggers are everywhere. Most people think that they look for transcendence in places that are advertised—“Get your transcendence here, $25 an hour,” and it’s not. Transcendence shows up while you’re having a crap. 

Transcendence shows up when you fall down on the street. Transcendence is always waiting, any moment. That’s the beauty. The Abstract tells you that. It says, “Just keep on doing it because you never know. Just do it; you never know. And don’t look for it.” It’s the great teaching of the Abstract because nothing is more existential than the Abstract process. What’s so frightening about the Abstract process is that it seems that somebody is very dense. It’s like: “What are you washing those dishes for when you could be doing a meditation over here?”

Formats and Transcendence – The Abstract System | Ra Uru Hu

It’s easy to think that you can choose or pay for the ability to forgive, accept, love, move on, etc., but overcoming conditioning doesn’t work that way. You are the only one who can discover your pain or recognize and let go of your limiting beliefs in their own timing. You are the only one who can watch yourself to become aware of what you are and wise about what you aren’t.

Admitting the existence of time is kryptonite for the new age movement, and no mind wants to hear that it’s stuck in the ticking neutrinos, or that experience is the ticking itself. But we are made to watch time unfold as it does, to honor its cycles and decondition within them, and it’s never been more important to value time as we lose truth in the now.

Clarity comes after the experience, and unfortunately, certainty helps most adults avoid it.

‘On the other side is their experience. I’ve never awakened anyone; they awaken themselves. All I can do is teach. And what I teach is just information, and information is just logical patterns. It is only when the pattern is alive and experienced that it can be verified, then it can be shared from the perspective of the Abstract. It’s not the number of students that I’ve had that have learned the knowledge that have made the difference, it’s the number of students that I’ve had that have lived the knowledge that have made the difference. This is the whole thing about understanding transcendence. First you have to be able to present a pattern and then you have to open the door to experience.

The human experiential way—one of the difficult things about the void, about entering into experience as yourself is that we’re not all designed to deal with the consequences of experience in the same way. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. We’re not all designed to deal with things in the same way, we’re not all designed to have the same kind of path.’

Formats and Transcendence – The Abstract System | Ra Uru Hu

From religion to business, most systems exalt one person’s results, way, and perspective as right for everyone. But HD holds the freedom to find your unique path and ability to see and make decisions as yourself.

‘It took me a long time to understand that the Abstract is not the antithesis to Logic, but the ally of Logic. I slowly began to see the beauty of the structure itself. It’s the beauty of the BodyGraph, this symmetry between Logic and the Abstract. It’s an incredible symmetry. It’s like you can fold them together and they meet.

Of course, this is one of the great jokes of quantum. If you live in a Newtonian world, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That is the great law of linear truth. Yet, the fact of the matter is the shortest distance between two points is to fold them together. If you have a piece of paper and you have a point here and you’ve got a point there, the long way is to draw a line. The easiest way is to just fold the piece of paper and bring the two points together. This is quantum, this is something else entirely.

Until you understand that it is one thing, only then can you begin to see that transcendence is not about just patterns, because it can’t be. It’s not enough. The transcendence in and of itself is the pattern established through experience over time.

Experience brings newness that the pattern, in and of itself, cannot predict. That’s the magic of the experiential way.

Over and over again I describe, because I teach you Logically, but I tell you to go out and experience it, because if you don’t go out and experience it no matter how interesting or how nicely the pieces of the Logic fit together, it’s not enough.’

Formats and Transcendence – The Abstract System | Ra Uru Hu

The type and length of experience that life brings to you is perfect. When we can see life without holding ourselves responsible for it, we can finally trust and watch it, allowing it to provide clarity about who we are.

The mundane is the mystical. <3

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