Establishing Logic

What does it look like to ground new logic into the world?

As Cross of Planning patterns continue to break down, we will become aware of Sleeping Phoenix logic. That means that we are collectively working together in real time to move through experiential cycles in order to establish new logic. New ways of being and seeing will allow us to start organizing ourselves and our systems differently, creating environments that embrace uniqueness and the ability to have an open mind.

As the bargain continues to break, it will shatter into individual inner authority, shedding layers of enmeshment and co-dependency in our relationships. Responsibility and accountability are being placed in the hands of each individual as we gain the ability to be more honest with ourselves. Watch close and share what you see, it’s time for new logic.



35.4 Moon Exalted

Gate 17 | Following | Opinions

‘We move over to the logic process and we come to the 17th gate. The first thing to recognize is that exactly opposite the 17th gate is the 18th gate. They are opposite each other in the zodiac and they are both in the same circuitry. They both belong to the logic process and they represent a deep link to each other. There is a very important capacity that lies within the 17th gate. 

The nature of this gate is the future for us. What I am teaching you in terms of wave resonance, what I teach you in terms of the Human Design System, I often make the comment that it is not for our time. This is the time of planting a seed. It is a time of getting people to recognize that this kind of knowledge is available to anyone. The nature of this knowledge is so that humanity can be properly organized. We can be organized in a way that we can’t possibly imagine now because it will be a natural process. Rather than education beginning with belief, education can begin with true knowledge, the logical understanding of the nature of what it is to be human, one’s place in the world, and where one belongs. 

I am involved with many things in my process with Human Design and one of them is called the Global Incarnation Index, something I have been working on for many years. When this index will be finished, it will outline every possible incarnation that is available to humanity and it will describe it in detail, as any index will do. The nature of what the mystics call the Akashic Records is that everybody will be able to see at some point where they fit in; it is not for this time. It will be for a time when this knowledge permeates the world. It will be a time for people to be able to see exactly where they belong and exactly who belongs with them. So the thing to recognize about the nature of the Aquarian Age is that it will move from the Piscean teacher (11.4) to the Aquarian teacher who will be symbolized by the 17.4. It will be the Personnel Manager. It will be the organizer. 

Recognize about the 17th gate that it has enormous significance for us because this is the teaching of the future which has to be deeply rooted in understanding that is of value to human rights, the relationship to the 18th gate at the other end. If there is anything that is philosophical in my nature, it is the recognition that every single individual has to be emancipated; not simply that we emancipate races and gender but we emancipate the individual, and we can only do that when the individual recognizes its own nature and has its place in the world. This is the ultimate truth for humanity and this is something that will come out of this capacity to organize us. The time has not come yet where that is the way in which this channel serves the world. 

One of the classic examples of this gate in our time was Baghwan Shree Ralneesh, Osho. He was a classic 17/62. This is a foreboding, a foreshadowing of what is possible in terms of the capacity to be able to organize humanity. But the reality is that organization cannot take place until understanding takes place, and the understanding of this process leads to the 62nd gate, which is the gate of the Maya. It is the gate of establishing all the names. By the time that we have written all the names of the genome, by the time that we truly understand the nature of the mechanics of the universe, when our understanding is complete in terms of what is essential to understand, to recognize intrinsically our nature, that is the moment that we can begin organizing. Up until that point, including the point that we are at now, this channel, like the 11, can be just as bizarre because not all understanding serves fundamental human rights. It is a matter of fact that a great deal of collective understanding is detrimental to fundamental human rights. This is there now in the nature of the 17. 

Earlier, I quoted John Milton from ‘Paradise Lost,’ which he puts into the mouth of the devil. The devil says, “Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.” This hexagram is entitled Following. The ancient law that those who wish to rule must first know how to serve. This is the nature of the 17th gate, that understanding must be of service. Only then will it lead to rule, will it lead to the power that understanding can bring.

Remember that the logical process is always trying to establish for us a pattern that we can trust and move with into the future. It is a very important pattern for us and for all human beings who are deeply concerned: we see that in integration, at the most primary level. There is this fear of what tomorrow will bring. Being of service is the need to be able to logically understand that the pattern is secure and that tomorrow will be secure. If understanding is not of service to humanity in that way, then the understanding can be detrimental. In other words, we have been promised many times by our logical leadership that the pattern will secure us into the future, only to discover that it did exactly the opposite. So it is something to be aware of: it can also be the devil’s law, not just simply god’s law.’

Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion

‘The possibility of being able to organize the Formula, the understanding, and prepare it for expression. This is the gate of the student and the teacher. It is the formula brought into to focus. This is the gate of Opinion. The Circuit of Understanding demands proof and opinions must have a logical foundation to withstand testing and criticism.

This by the way isn’t to say whether these opinions, logical or not, are correct. Facts are regularly used to support lies and lies are proffered as formulas. This is about the form of the concept. The Collective mental possibilities, gates 11 and 17, are associated in our biology with the Eyes. The 17th gate is the right Eye. It is the eye which sees clearly in the Now. It is the best eye for experimentation. The left eye never sees everything at once! These mental concepts are about visualization. The right eye seeks the fixed pattern and projects out of this pattern.

Opinion is like a crystal ball. Fixed visually on the pattern in the now and projecting into the future. By design, the question (63), the answer (4) and the Opinion have no voice much less any power to act. The mind is far away from a motor.’

Ra Uru Hu | Rave I Ching

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