Stages of the Emotional Mutation

Stage 1 (55>59) | Stage 2 (/36) | Stage 3 (the 37/40) | Stage 4 (19×49)

‘There is a lot of ugliness that is going to emerge as the shattering takes place and the transition of these cycles come. And there is going to be so many that will suffer as a result.

I hold myself together by understanding that it is all a choiceless thing, and that those that are there and get to know, each and every one of them, one-by-one, that’s what makes a difference, and that’s what maintains my spirit. And every child that will be prepared to enter into this new phase, each of those children enriches my life. I see that we are here to protect these generations that are coming. We are here to nurture them; we’re here to guide them. We’re here to care for them. And we do so by being the embodiment of Pluto by being representatives of truth, empirical truth, mechanical truth, and unavoidable truth, the truth that breeds both fear and ultimately joy.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave Cosmology IV

As we move through Pluto’s Interregnum on February, 15th 2027, we will continue to feel and experience new internal and external realities, reflecting the changes happening within our emotional motor system. Pluto overlording this transition ensures that there will be lawlessness and chaos within the body itself, and it is our responsibility to continue sharing the truth about what is happening now.

Read more about how Pluto Interregnum is changing our answers here.

This mutation is individual, rippling through the collective one person at a time in their own unique way. Outer authority will become more recognized and valued than ever before as we make our way through something that has never been experienced by anyone before us. Human Design professionals, therapists, and helpers all over the world will realize that the mind doesn’t know. And humans will begin their journey to inner authority.

Stage One

55 > 39 > 60 – 3 > 59

‘When the 55 initiates the full mutation what actually happens is that the wave gets compressed. In other words, if we could see the wave this way and think about a force like this and a force like this that is compressing the wave together until the wave is actually locked into nothingness. That’s really the release of the mutation. The mutation cannot come out of the solar plexus center; it’s not possible for it to come out of the solar plexus center unless the motor system is shut down. Now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the motor system is completely shut down in that it can’t open up again. What it does mean that in order for the mutation to be released as information that the motor function has to be shut down. And the way it is shut down is through compression. This is what’s been going on in the 55th gate.

When I say the motor wave, I’m not talking about the entire solar plexus center at all. I’m not talking about the waves that are emerging out of various other gates, because this is a mutative process that operates systematically and it begins here in the 55th gate. The 55th gate is the first gate that gets to experience compression. The moment there is that compression; there is the release of the information and the release of the information to the 39th gate. This channel then becomes what I called the other day the channel of evolution. It is carrying the mutative energy.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave Cosmology IV

55 – 39
  • Gate 55 initiates the mutation, it is the first gate to experience compression.
  • Doesn’t actually carry the mutation, which is held in gate 60.
  • As wave is compressed, it locks into nothingness.
  • Once the compression is complete, the mutational information can be released to gate 39.
  • Channel 39-55 becomes the Channel of Evolution.
12 – 22
  • As part of the mutative process, this channel will immediately respond to what is going on within the individual pressure of the 39/55, however, while it may be aware of the changes, it will not be able to share or communicate about them until the mutation has progressed through Channel 60 – 3. It won’t necessarily flatten out as much as the rest of the emotional gates because it completed it’s process during the mutation of the larynx around 85,000 years ago.
60 – 3
  • Gate 60 carries all genetic past and future information, it carries the formula and timing for the emotional mutation.
  • Gate 3 establishes the mutations emergence and viability in the world. It can take a recessive, hidden genetic loop and bring it into the Sacral as a mutation. It then becomes a force that is generated outwards into the world. To become an external reality, it has to be generated by the Sacral.
Gate 59
  • Gate 59 is the polarity of gate 55, they are mirrors of each other who are shifting together.
  • 59-6 is the only channel where the Sacral and Emotional centers meet, and it creates an enormous energy field.
  • Disproportionate amounts of energy will be needed to fuel the mutation, and many children may appear to have problems that require huge amounts of time and energy as we build internal momentum and channel the energy into ourselves.
  • The mutation will change the way sexual desire operates as it funnels more energy toward the mutation, while decreasing energy towards human creativity and reproduction.
  • Reduced fertility leads to increased fertility treatments and reduced demand for pair bonding.
  • The experiential way begins to mutate, bringing deep changes individual and tribal aspects.

Stage Two

59 > 6 =/ 36

‘The 36 is going to be impacted in a very physical way, the frequency. The motor frequency for humans is still going to be there. And most of that frequency, in essence all of it, is going to be what the 30th gate manages to get from the 6. And it is the only gate, in essence, that still retains a deep motor relationship to the 6th gate. And the only aspect of the energy resource that the 6 has that it can give over to the emotional dynamic as we understand it, desire. Desire becomes the dominant emotional theme. And yet, a dominant emotional theme that has a very flat approach to experience. Without the motor to drive it will it leap at all? Or will, in fact, it be secure with the logical way—there’s the pattern, stay with it and eat your desire.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave Cosmology IV

Gate 6
  • Gate 6 is the source of the emotional motor and all emotional waves.
  • During the mutation it begins to pull back it’s energy, taking it back into itself instead of fueling gates 37, 22, 55, and 49.
  • It will create a wall or boundary between gates 37, 22, 55, 49, and gate 36, isolating them from 36 and the heightened motor potential of the remaining experiential way. This will change the conditions of attraction while draining desire from sexuality as it redirects towards material, pain, pleasure and movement.
  • The 36th Gate will form to it’s new boundaries, cutting the human experiential way out of, and away from the mutative process.
Gate 36
  • The motor systems of 37, 22, 55, and 49 are being switched over to gate 36 like a train that switches circuits.
  • 36 will become more volatile in terms of it’s power, without being connected to sexuality.
  • The frequency of Gate 36 will be impacted in a very physical way, and the motor frequency will still exist for humans.
  • Gate 36 will receive any energy that Gate 30 is capable of pulling from Gate 6.
  • Desire becomes the dominant emotional theme, yet it flattens out because we are losing the energy for true progress. This gate won’t be adventurous, or the jack-of-all-trades. Progress will slow down until it stops being the point, or possible at all. Intensity for new experiences will fade.

Stage Three

6 > 37/40

‘The focus of that knowledge through Human Design, through that process, is to be able to bring human beings to a place where they have a reliable authority so they can operate in an environment that is not going to support them. This is what it’s about.

As I’ve said, my loyalty is to my kind. Putting this knowledge out now, putting my shoulder to the wheel for this knowledge is all about making sure that all of those that have the fractal have the opportunity to be prepared for an era that is going to be very cruel to those who are waiting for a bus. If you’re waiting for the bus, if you’re waiting for the truck to deliver the food, if you’re waiting for the ambulance to show up at your door, if you’re waiting for the cop, on and on and on and on, it’s just going to deteriorate. It’s going to deteriorate not because these are suddenly going to go flat. It’s all deteriorating.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave Cosmology IV

Gate 37
  • Gate 6 pulls motor energy away from 37/40, removing the emotional bond and spiritual bridge.
  • Gate 40 will no longer gain the same energy to work.
  • We will see much more vulnerable digestive systems.

Stage 4 | The Bargain is Breaking

6 > 49 X 19

‘Human beings will not have the quantum phenomena of this channel. It will be gone. And of course it means that all of the things that it represented, many of them we have already looked at in cosmology in terms of the mystical way. In other words, the human relationship with mammals, the human relationship with God, the human relationship with community. After all, the root pressure to need these things no longer goes that way.

Again, you can see that it is not in any way a cosmic accident that the turning of the wheel leaves the 40/37 and the era of community and we have a transformation in the emotional system that is deeply connected to community, the three communal gates of the emotional system that are going through this deep transformation. And that we no longer have community. It’s not there. There is no need for it and there is no will for it. When I say no will, it’s reduced. When I say no need I mean no need. 

To understand what it’s going to mean for a human being to incarnate as a human being, not a rave, after the mutation takes place; to understand that the 19th gate as a need is going to drive something else. It isn’t going to drive community. It isn’t going to drive the need to control animals. It isn’t going to drive the marriage bond. It isn’t going to drive any of that, none of it.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave Cosmology IV

19 x 49
  • Humans will experience Gate 19 and 49 separately, no longer experiencing it as the Channel of Synthesis.
  • Our pressure to need God and community will diminish.
  • The 19th gate will drive something else, not controlling animals, or the marriage bond, or the community.
  • As mirror to the 55, and the last step of the mutation – this channel completely closes off, offering no more function.

Read more on satisfying the needs of Gate 19 and the theme of co-dependency that we are working to move beyond.

Kiron’s Spiritual Key

Clarity > Certainty

‘On the 20th of February, 1961 the precession transited into the 1st line in the Cross of Love. The Sun was in the 55th hexagram, abundance of the spirit, 2nd line, Distrust. At that moment Kiron was conjunct the Sun in the same line only 15 minutes apart in arc. The key to the age is distrust and the essential need for proofs. The time for believing was over.’ – Ra Uru Hu | Rave History 3

The symbol of Chiron in the center of the Human Design Mandala. The symbol points toward gate 55, line 2: Distrust
Chiron stationed direct in Gate 51.5 on 12/29/2024 – The Gate of Shock, Line of Symmetry.

Gate 55, located in the Solar Plexus, is where we experience our individual emotional wave. The second line of this gate, carrying the keynote of “Distrust,” represents a crucial turning point in our spiritual evolution. It will increasingly challenge what we think we know, forcing us to confront the underlying emotions that drive our thoughts and behaviors.

Distrust | Abundance hampered by slander or gossip.

  • Venus Exalted: The gift of being able to penetrate to the center that may demonstrate effectively through its relating talents, that its trustfullness is genuine. Emotional stability and the strength of the spirit is dependent on being trusted by others.
  • Earth Detriment: The direct challenge to the slanderers who will always have the advantage of quoting the Bard: ‘Methinks he doth protest too much.’ Only continued example can overcome distrust. The emotional drive to insist on trustworthiness that does not guarantee its acceptance by others or benefits the spirit.

Ra Uru Hu | Rave I Ching

‘Probably the most disliked people can be the 55.2’s. The second line is very difficult. This is the projection outwards of the emotional spirit, whether it is at its lowest end or at its highest end because there is no introspection involved. It projects out blindly because that is the nature of the emotional wave. Everything about the 55 is leading to the social process. Don’t ever forget that about the nature of it. What the second line is being projected on is that that spirit is projected onto others. Individuals are always attracting attention and so do the individuals with this line, but they often attract negative attention.

It is called Distrust. One thing to see about emotional spirit is that it is going beyond this word. Trust is just about the motor. My joke about trust: in the English language, there is ‘rust’ in trust.

Abundance hampered by slander or gossip. Venus Exalted, The gift of being able to penetrate to the center that may demonstrate effectively through its relating talents that its trustfulness is genuine. Emotional stability and the strength of the spirit is dependent on being trusted by others. “You can trust whatever my spirit is carrying. You can trust that this is really me. I really am happy, even though tomorrow I may look very sad. You can really trust that I really am happy. You can really trust that I am happy with you, even though tomorrow I may look very sad with you.”

Earth in Detriment, The direct challenge to the slanderers who will always have the advantage of quoting the Bard: “Methinks he Both protest too much. Only continued example can overcome distrust.’

Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion

‘Emotional stability and strength of spirit is dependant on being trusted by others. These people are not introspective. They don’t really go through their process of seeing that their cup is always half empty/half full. Because they are not aligning themselves with powerful forces, they are not nurturing their spirit which is their opportunity to fill their cup. They are just projecting their emotional spirit outwards.

When they are at the high end, that can be lovely. But they still have people talk behind their back. The 55.2 is always talked about and not often nicely, and they are often distrusted. They have to understand that they can never challenge the distrusters because the more they say, “You can really trust me,” the more they are distrusted. That is the nature of what that line is about. One of the most powerful forces, this projection force, is one of the main images of what moodiness is, which is not nice. People do not like it. They do not trust it because it seems to be very uncomfortable, this movement from one end of the scale to the other end of the scale.’

Ra Uru Hu | Book of Letters

The Gate of Spirit – A Design of Moodiness
Solar Plexus – Knowing Circuit

The power of the Emotional awareness and its potential to destabilize is the testing ground in Humanity’s search for the spirit. Spirit is not a concept. It is not an instinct. It is an emotion. The potential for spirit and its manifestation lie in the 55th gate.

As the Rave I’Ching says, Abundance is strictly a question of spirit. It is through this gate that the limitations of emotions are experienced.

This is the gate of ‘David’s Cup’. Abundance is the microcosm of life in form. The cup is always present and there is always something in the cup (our lives) and in the wave of the emotions the cup is perceived as either half-full or half-empty.

Abundance is a gate of potential awareness. When the life is experienced emotionally as either this or that, this is not aware. It is the Wave frequency of the emotional Hope to Pain cycle. Moods are the manifestation of this frequency. The individual finds the spirit in the emotional now. The wave is made up of many points in the geometry. At any given point, Spirit is not a matter of comparison, just the wonder that the cup exists at all.

Ra Uru Hu | Rave I Ching

‘A spirited nature is not reasonable but has the means to access abundance in all manners of expression.’

Sometimes dramatic waves of spirited emotions move through you without any rational rhyme or reason. An emotional trigger to creativity involves knowing both melancholy and bliss.

Victimized / Complaining – Freedom – Freedom

55.2 Remaining Innocent: Holding your own when surrounded by skepticism
You provoke suspicion in others through your ideals and can be coerced by their mistrust.
Venus Exalted: Trusting your senses you align with those who live in accord with your own reality.
Earth Detriment: Identifying with being considered trustworthy, you are deeply shaken when challenged.

Chetan Parkyn | Book of Lines

‘Abundance, Gate of the Spirit | Genetic Codon Group: Histidine (49, 55)

Emoting: Using obstacles as an opportunity for releasing emotional wealth.

55.2 Trust | Abundance – also a question of mutual trust.
Venus Exalted: An inspiring mind-set can gain confidence through setting an example.
Earth Detriment: The emotional drive to demand trust rather than

Additional Keynotes: Gate of indecision; the mood to eat; the love of being in love; melancholy of being empty; eating disorders; nervousness because of mood swings – Fear of feeling empty’

55.2 is the projection outwards of the emotional spirit with no introspection involved and, as we move closer to 2027, these projections will lead us inside our bodies. Everyone will look for a solid way to make decisions outside of mental beliefs in order to discover their true personal right and wrongs, as well as the ability to say both yes and NO. 

Our shift in consciousness will inevitably disrupt the familiar structures we’ve built within ourselves and society. However, this destabilization is crucial for the authentic manifestation of Spirit on both individual and collective levels. By facing our deepest fears and insecurities, we can cultivate emotional awareness one person at a time, gradually releasing the grip of the beliefs that limit the Spirit.

So wtf does that mean? lol

From 1615 to 2027, our human software focused on what we knew or could provide for someone else. For example, my grandma always knew when it was time for my grandpa to take his medicine, eat, or take a nap, and her suggestions made it appear that she knew more about him than he did.

However, we are receiving a software update that will program us to focus on what we know or can provide for ourselves, something we do not know how to do, because it’s never been available.

Each individual will learn to recognize and respond directly to their own needs, eliminating misplaced expectations for others to meet them. With nothing to believe and no one to follow, normal decision-making strategies will gradually become ineffective, forcing each of us to know what is right for ourselves outside of the mind.

55.2 essentially teaches us that no one knows what is right or wrong for you because there is no one in your body but you.

‘Kiron is a marker. Absolutely everything that exists because of the neutrino ocean affects us. But how we are imprinted and how we are programmed is very, very specific. …Kiron was expressly given to me as this essential marker.

The advent of Kiron is the precursor for me of Human Design because it set the foundation for what Human Design could express. It was the last piece in the puzzle in the development of the nine-centered being, so that the framework of the nine-centered could be revealed.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave History 3

Depiction of Chiron and it’s rings | Celestia Team – Celestia, GPL

Discovered in 1977 by astronomer Charles T. Kowal, Chiron is a celestial object that defies easy categorization. Too large to be an asteroid yet too small to be a planet, its discovery led to the creation of a new class of objects known as Centaurs. 

Named after a mythological Greek centaur, Chiron (Ancient Greek: Χείρων, romanized: Kheírōn, lit. ‘hand’) was a renowned demigod, teacher, and healer tragically wounded by a (Hydra venom) poisoned arrow. This injury, inflicted by Hercules, left him in eternal agony due to his inability to die.

Hercules was devastated to lose his friend and mentor. However, he was able to create a deal with Zeus to exchange Chiron’s immortality for the release of Prometheus, a titan sentenced to eternal punishment for stealing fire from the gods. After Chiron’s death, Zeus freed Prometheus and fixed Chiron in the firmament, a.k.a. guided his soul to Mount Olympus.

Does the transition from Chiron to Hercules describe the speed and possibility of evolutionary jumps and cycles? 

‘It’s interesting, you’ve got Saturn over here with its rings and all that stuff, and you’ve got Uranus over here with its funny tilt on its axis, and just about in the middle of them is this tiny speck. It’s a tiny speck.

It’s about the size of Manhattan Island and it’s in a very funny position because it’s caught between the gravitational pulls of these two giants. And it’s there in the middle. When they first spotted it, they honestly didn’t know what it was. Some thought it was a comet, some thought it was some kind of—it’s a piece of junk. As a piece of junk it’s a piece of junk that originated with Uranus.’ – Ra Uru Hu | Rave History 3

Wikipedia says, ‘According to an archaic myth, Chiron was created when the Titan Cronus impregnated the nymph Philyra in the form of a horse.’ Do our archetypal ideas represent celestial bodies? Does Cronus represent Saturn?

I see Kiron as the 125-mile-wide wound between Saturn and Uranus. The love-child and physical evidence of Uranus being knocked on her side, creating her extreme tilt and backward rotation. He’s the unbelievable baby who wears the rings of his father, a spiritual-material bridge to emotional awareness.

As we discover that the mind doesn’t know, we will fall into new ways and places. We will face a different and unknown reality that we can learn to accept and embrace together in our aloneness.

No human has ever lived through the shift that we are experiencing now. Every source of inner and resulting outer authority is important for our collective future, and I hope to empower you to discover yourself because you are the only one who can, and you are worthy of being witnessed.

‘In this phase, we have the new development of the storyline, the potential development in the nine-centered being of a foundation for the actual expression of awareness and then from that point of Kiron to the Uranian close, we have this flowering; in other words, the natural maturing of a nine-centered being. All of this is through the marker of Kiron.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave History 3

Read more about Chiron, symbolism, return charts, and more at Human Design Collective


‘And what we know in Human Design is that there is no truth in the now. That is, no truth in the now for the emotional being. So, the motor function is very powerful. It takes away the existential potential for truth. There are many things that it gets in the way of, though there’s something else that’s going on. Beneath the level of the motor function there is something really profound at work within the Solar Plexus, what modern science has now been discovering for the last 10 years; that is, the density of neural activity that is in our Solar Plexus, a level of neural activity that, by the way, far exceeds the neural activity we find in our brain system. 

And Solar Plexus awareness is basically what is understood in variable work as ‘Right’ awareness. It’s very different from the way the cognition operates from the mental plane, and even more different than the way cognition operates at the splenic level. It is one of the things that you understand as a splenic person and you realize that the awareness that your spleen comes to in the moment is not translatable to the mind. It isn’t.

In the sense that the mind is not in any way capable of understanding, other than through theoretical postulations, why the Spleen is saying yes or no to anything. It is an awareness that operates within its own specific parameters. The same thing is true for the mind. 

And the same thing is going to be true here, because what we’re dealing with in terms of Solar Plexus awareness is that we’re not dealing with the mental way in which we have achieved cognition. The mind is a measuring machine and the way in which that measurement is something that we can self-reflectively look at coming out of the Solar Plexus system, is an awareness that is much more sensitive. It is an awareness rooted in being able to cognitively interpret the environment in a very different way – interpret the auric field, interpret the electromagnetic field, and being able to interpret things through the tactile. 

There are all kinds of levels in which information is going to be garnered from Solar Plexus awareness that is not going to be understood. That is, in the spontaneous sense, the mind will have no more access to what the emotional awareness is picking up than it does to what the Spleen is. It will not. 

As a matter of fact, if we’re living in a world that’s homogenized and everybody is stuck up here and living their life through their minds and directing their lives through their minds, there isn’t going to be any access to that at all, anymore than – it’s the old joke about the not-self who is splenic, you visit them in the hospital and the first thing they say, ‘oh, I just knew it.’

So, we’re going to be living with a real change in the way in which information is being taken in. Again, those beings who are going to be so sensitive at this level, if they’re not prepared for this, if they don’t understand the way in which this works, that it’s going to present as many problems as benefits to those that are going to be so endowed.’

Ra Uru Hu | Emotionality in the Time of Mutation

‘On the other side is their experience. I’ve never awakened anyone; they awaken themselves. All I can do is teach. And what I teach is just information, and information is just logical patterns. It is only when the pattern is alive and experienced that it can be verified, then it can be shared from the perspective of the Abstract. It’s not the number of students that I’ve had that have learned the knowledge that have made the difference, it’s the number of students that I’ve had that have lived the knowledge that have made the difference. This is the whole thing about understanding transcendence. First you have to be able to present a pattern and then you have to open the door to experience.

The human experiential way—one of the difficult things about the void, about entering into experience as yourself is that we’re not all designed to deal with the consequences of experience in the same way. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. We’re not all designed to deal with things in the same way, we’re not all designed to have the same kind of path.’

Formats and Transcendence – The Abstract System | Ra Uru Hu

‘So, we’re going to have an impact, this flattening out of the 55. Now, it says something else. Everything about the 55th gate is that the moment you take away the motor function you suddenly have an awareness gate, and this is something very, very special. It has nothing to do with how we understand the Solar Plexus system that has dominated us forever by the motor function; we have not had access to what is the pure potential of awareness that is there in the Solar Plexus itself. And this 55th gate speaks really to the unique spirit, the expression of the unique spirit. It is an individual gate. And it is not about the emotional spirit anymore, it is not about that spirit that is seen in that half cup, full or empty, that emotional spirit that is always rising and falling and suffering. It’s not about the emotional spirit, it’s not about the wave spirit. It’s about the spirit, the essence of what it is to be unique. It’s here. It’s the completion of the story. 

Until we have awareness in these three areas (Spleen, Ajna, Solar Plexus) we do not reach our cognitive potential. This is what we’re all about, is to get to that place of being able to fulfill our cognitive potential. This gate of spirit, once it is stripped of the motor wave, this becomes a unique force of spirit awareness, this unique awareness that measures differently. Everything is about measurement. We live in a duality, so everything is a “this and that,” everything is a measurement. The Spleen measures in certain ways. We can simplify it by saying healthy or not healthy; I recognize it, I don’t recognize it, the immune system doing its work. 

Here in the Ajna Center we have a very different way of doing that, the concretized way that we have through our mental apparatus that has evolved over all of these thousands of years. This is really new, a different way of being cognitive. And because it’s part of the Solar Plexus system, and because the wave is going to remain, motor function is going to remain, that this is an awareness that travels differently. Here you smell and you taste (Spleen). Here you see (Ajna). But here, here it’s something else. Through the wave, through carrying along on the wave, this is an awareness that penetrates at a different level; it penetrates into the substance, the energy fields that are there that we do not yet have tools for. 

And then we’re finally going to have the real fulfillment of nine-centered potential. We’re very limited. Limitation is really an amazing thing. Your eyes can only see what they see. You don’t see neutrinos. You don’t see gamma rays. You don’t see all kinds of things because you’re not designed to see them. And not being designed to see them means that you don’t have any way of assessing them other than theoretically. 

We have a whole new set of information that’s being made available to us as a cognitive creature. It’s a whole new set of information, very profound in its own way, more complex than either of its predecessors, subtler than they are, more sensitive than they are, and with the power to be deeply trans-auric in that they ride on the wave, that they take in so much and they take it in in the right sense.’

Emotionality in the Time of Mutation | Ra Uru Hu

‘Now, think about that and think about the new age. Think about all of that harmonious lingo that we have where everybody is sharing love and everybody is one and everybody is getting blessed, this deep, deep longing for harmony. But again, we’re dealing mostly with the not-self world. So that harmony becomes part of the way in which the not-self is going to look at things and grasp things. Harmony can be false, it can become something that is truly disingenuous. It can become a ploy. It can become a game; play the game of harmony.

But it’s something to really understand about this age is that this age is here to promote harmony through inner truth. This is the thing to grasp about this age that we’re living in. The promotion of harmony does not come from the desire for harmony, but from truth. It’s one of the things that I talk about when I talk about the potential of outer authority and the communion that’s possible between human beings. We really have this possibility, to be able to commune with each other in a way that’s honest, that’s truthful, that doesn’t carry with it the Machiavellian games that the mind plays.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave History 3

‘This new age isn’t just about the mystical. It isn’t just about the mysterious. It’s about true science. And it is about the juxtaposition of the mystical and true science. It is about the fusion in understanding, because we’re surrounded with it every single day.

There is so much truth exploding. This is what it’s all about, all this collective information coming to an end. This is an end game, because it doesn’t matter how many truths there are. And there are as many truths as there are grains of sand. There are so many. It’s a time of great confusion because there is so much information. This is the joke at the end of the movie. You want answers? Google it; the joke at the end of the movie is Google your answer. It is out there. This is what this age has brought us. This plethora, this incredible amount of information rather than being enlightening, is not.’ Ra Uru Hu | Rave History 3

Line Companion

‘It is very important to see that in the whole 19th gate lie so many things that have dominated our lives. It is a core fuel: this need for food, the need for how we can share the food and be interdependent in our process. All the fundamental rules for whether we will support each other or not, the amount of service and sacrifice that is demanded by any tribal relationship, all of that in the 19 carries a great deal of weight in the world. We are going through a process of having this energy vitalized.

The one thing that is clear to me about the nature of the world is that, unless you satisfy the 19 as a universal theme that is everywhere, there will never be peace. The 19 must be satisfied. The resources must be there and it must be fair. It must be clean and interdependent. That will take a long time for the emotional system to change so that we can break through the motor, and then we can begin to see that the nature of community lies in its spirit. The spirit is the whole thing.’ Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion

Gene Keys

‘The 19th Shadow of Co-dependence has its roots deep within our tribal ancestral past. Co-dependence refers to the state of consciousness below independence. To be independent means to rely only upon yourself, whereas to be co-dependent means to rely on outside agencies. As primitives we primarily relied upon nature for our survival and because we relied upon an outside agency we anthropomorphised it. In other words, we created gods to represent that agency. Thus it is out of the 19th Shadow that all the world religions have been born. Our relationship with God or a set of gods is a purely co-dependent relationship because it is based on this need for outside authority. It is here in the 19th Gene Key that one of the great human stories is coded — the story of our relationship to God. As long as man believes in a God outside himself, the frequency of our planet will remain at the level of the 19th Shadow.

Shadow Spectrum | Co-Dependence
Repressive | Needy

‘The repressive nature of the 19th Shadow emerges as neediness or clinging. These are people who cannot let go of the past out of a fear of being alone. This creates catastrophic relationship dynamics based on making other people victims of their need. Repressive natures can be very cunning with the way they transmit their Shadow patterns — these people will very likely use subtle tools such as guilt to get their own needs met. They need to feel needed, and they will act out all kinds of dramas, often totally unconsciously, to get the attention they crave. They are masters of negative attention — drawing other people’s energy towards them without caring what expression it takes. Even violence is a form of attention. The only way to break out of such patterns is to move into independence.

Reactive | Isolated

The angry expression of this Gene Key is isolationist. These people refuse any attention, loudly proclaiming that they don’t need anyone. Such a nature only pretends to be independent while beneath the surface they seethe with rage. Of course, people that isolate themselves like this always take great care to do it right before everyone else’s eyes. They make a point of showing you how alone they are, craving the attention it brings them and becoming even more embittered when others leave them alone. Ironically, when others do try and support them or offer them friendship, they usually explode, projecting all their pent up anger onto the other person. It is easy to see how the repressive and the reactive nature together create the perfect dynamic of the typical dysfunctional co-dependent relationship.’

Richard Rudd | Gene Keys

Uranus Transited Gate 41: 1/1996 – 8/1996 | 12/1996 – 3/1997 | 7/1997 – 1/1998

The Human Design System is a Uranian system, and wherever Uranus goes in the wheel is significant for humanity. Every 84 years, Uranus comes to the 41st gate. This time that Uranus is there, it is going to initiate an 84-year cycle that will culminate with the beginning of this transition. It will take well over a thousand years for humanity to get to this sixth line. It will not happen tomorrow or in the next century. 

Evolution on the human scale is a very slow process. This emotional spirit consciousness has already been with us for thousands of years and yet, we did not have any tools to really be able to look at it until very recently. 

In the children that are born with Uranus in 41, particularly those who are born with Uranus in the 41.6, they will begin the pull-back in this experiential way. They will be the first generation of abstract children (it is depending on the design) who do not seem to function that way. These children, in our time, over the next 20 years, will be clinically looked at as being repressed. “No, my Johnny does not want to try to ride a bicycle. I do not understand it. I can’t get him on the bicycle. I think that he is afraid of bicycles.” It is simply because this is beginning to work and Uranus is initiating this new experience, especially in the sixth line. Uranus will bring that out in the children, so that there is already this genetic field that is beginning to operate and the children who are born with the 41.6 will be alive deep into the next century. They carry this energy with them and keep the aura of this energy alive in the world. They are setting the foundation for this transition. 

You can see some of that now in what people call the AIDS epidemic. One of the things about the stream 41 to 35 is that it is the most sexual of all the streams. It is literally rooted in sexuality for the experience and that experience can be anything. In that sense, you can already see that this repression of those things is something that will come very strongly. 

You will have a reaction to this in the environment until all of the experiences, the feelings and desires that we acquaint with being human will slowly be repressed, be restricted, so that we can become more and more organized without constantly being dragged out of the organization by the need of the abstract person to have a different kind of feeling. “You are designed to be an architect”. “I know but I have this feeling that I want to be an astronaut.” The planet has to eliminate this other side that automatically pulls you to say, “Yes, but wouldn’t it be great if…?” 

For us, nothing that I am describing is particularly pleasant. For us, we are part of the aura of the fifth line where we give authority to experience. Without experience, you do not know. That is why we have virtual reality. Nobody gets the experience. We already have vast movements at work to take us out of needing to physically have the experience ourselves, and yet, we have come into the world in a time where it still has its authority. We will have its authority for hundreds of years. There will be a great reaction to that. In your work over the next years, it is important to recognize that, as these children are coming on a stream, particularly children that come with the 41.6, they cannot be pushed into the experiential way by their parents. They will become very ill because they are the first generation that is there not to get pulled into that. They have to be aloof from it. 

The experiential drive is coming to an end. The whole experiential nature of being human is coming to an end. In other words, we are at the flourishing of that. We are getting so many experiences. We are collecting so much data. We will now go down the other side. Ever since Neptune left 61, we are going down the other side, the other slope. Everything is being reduced. We start to pull things back. We are not driven into new experiences anymore. We are locked into old experiences, trying to stay alive and survive and flourish. We will not look for something new, but we will go back to the basics. 

The deepest event in the next century will be that the fertility capacity in humans will be devastated. We have to go back to basic things and be very well organized in order to keep the species alive. We will not be able to tolerate all kinds of drives for different experiences when the species itself is threatened. These are all mechanisms that will come into work in the next century. 

It is like the project to Mars. They spend 256 million dollars to get it there. They are spending about 1 /2 million dollars a day tracking it. When somebody comes along in the next century and says, “Okay, now that we have gone to Mars, why don’t we go to Pluto?” There will be people who say, “Wait a minute. Why? We could take all of this money and give it to starving children and poor people.” We have to stay with the basics of what we need to have to be organized properly. It is not to say that we won’t do things, but the pragmatism of what it is to keep humanity alive will restrict the way we use resources. That is what the 41 is all about. It is wonderful to look at the pictures they took of Mars, but we come to the point where people reject that. Resources have to go back into our hands to increase our fertility.’

Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion