Completely Open Center Conditioning




Words sourced from Ra Uru Hu, Open Centers without Activations

‘Most people who have a totally open center, wherever that center is, this is the thing they‘re most uncomfortable with and they would even like to hide it, not let anybody see it, the fact that they don’t really know what to say or think or whatever the case may be. That can lead to all kinds of withdrawal. It can lead to allowing somebody else to take over. It opens up the potential to not be yourself.

That openness in the unactivated center, the conditioning you take into that, you don’t even question it. There is no question in it, because you have nothing to root. There is no question in it. If you have a hanging gate you have something to literally hang on. But the moment that it‘s totally open there is no defense.

These entirely open centers; this is the biggest hook of all to pull you away from who you are, to totally pull you away from who you are. It just does, because there is no way to define, judge, or assess incoming energy. The moment that you begin to navigate according to your Strategy and Authority you get to define your uniqueness. You get to eliminate all those other forces having authority over you.

Human Design came into the world so that children can be prepared to live in the next cycle post-2027, a world where they can be fully dependent on their own authority in order to go beyond survival, to survive and be aware. It is so easy to take advantage of children who have completely open centers. And when I say take advantage it doesn’t mean that is conscious. It’s not like the parents want to do that. It‘s just what happens. But the reality is that this unactivated openness leads to manipulation through somebody else taking authority away from you. And it’s very, very profound. To not know what to say and have somebody put the words in your mouth, to tell you what you should be thinking, to tell you what should be interesting for you, to tell you who you should become. That creates an incredible pressure.

If you’re dealing with children and you know their design, you can help them find the truth in their authority. You point to the source within that can provide the decision making tools they need in order to stop giving up their authority.’

Mental Themes

Human Design's open head center

Not knowing what is interesting

‘Open Head’s don’t know what to think about, so they end up thinking about all kinds of things, not simply things that don’t matter, but thinking about anything.

At the same time, not being able to recognize when one thing is more inspiring than the other. They literally don’t know what is interesting within the pressure, and that can lead to a disconnect from intellectuality –  a disconnect from finding conversation of substance with the other person, or a conversation that’s really interesting.

These beings simply do not know. It is not there for them. They don’t have a prejudice. They don’t have a way of leaning into it. There is just all that stuff that is there. And it‘s the very thing they’re thinking about that influences their decision making. Not knowing what matters, or not knowing all those things that don’t matter, and not being able to figure out what one is interested in. It leads to problems in how to make a decision entirely.

We end up in situations where it’s extremely difficult for these not-self beings to make decisions on their own because they don’t really know where they should be focused and what they should be looking at. It just seems like everything is so overwhelming. So many beings who have an entirely open Head Center are simply overwhelmed by the information age, overwhelmed by the talking-head world. They simply want to get rid of it. They don’t want to deal with it all because it doesn’t seem to lead them anywhere.’

Human Design's open ajna center

Not knowing what to think

‘You have the logical process that is rooted in opinion; you have the abstract process that is rooted in ideas; and you have the individual process that is rooted in insight. So, not knowing what to think about an idea, not knowing whether an idea has any value or not, not knowing whether knowing has any value or not, not really knowing what to think about a given situation.

Somebody else knows what’s interesting. Somebody else knows what to think. 

They give up the essence of what they are. They turn that over to some derivative, somebody who is telling them what to do and how to do it and all the various things. And rather than having their own inner authority that can make a decision, yes or no, about what is currently going on in their life, because they don’t know what to think of it, they end up relying on somebody to create that thinking for them.

Out of that comes all kinds of moralities, religions, all kinds of things in which people have simply abdicated entirely and don‘t want to think. They don‘t need to. Somebody else is doing the thinking for them.’

Human Design's open throat center

Not knowing what to say

‘So many human beings suffer from throat problems because they put so much pressure on their Throat system to say what they feel they need to say to get the attention that they need to get. It ends up being a physical problem, because they don’t get the kind of attention that they assumed they were going to get in the first place.

It doesn’t mean that somebody with a totally open Throat cannot express themselves. But it does mean that they are going to be in real trouble if they don’t have a decision making process, because they‘re not going to know what to say. They say the wrong things. Or they say what‘s borrowed and nobody pays real attention to it. Or they try to speak first and they get into trouble because they‘re deeply handicapped in that process.

The other thing is that the entirely open Throat is something that is rather rare. You have eleven different potential activations of the Throat, and just based on those numbers statistically we see that the completely open Throat is really the rarest phenomena that we have in all of these inactivated centers.’

Human Design's Open G-Center

Not knowing what to be

‘When it’s entirely open, it is not knowing what their life is about. That‘s something that‘s very profound. You hear this all the time in the homogenized world, people meeting a five or six-year-old and saying to them, ‘What are you going to be when you grow up?’ If you have a totally open G-center, this is a frightening question.

They simply do not know what to be. They really don’t know who they are at the deepest sense of identity. They have no idea. And of course, this can be a real dilemma because you get to see how easy it is for these beings to be manipulated and to be taken over by somebody else, by their culture, by their religion, by their politicians, whatever the case may be.

This child with the entirely open G-Center is constantly going to give away their authority to someone else. It‘s not so much that you‘re going to know what to be, it’s that you’re going to discover what your being is. This is the realization that comes with correctness. You get to navigate on this plane correctly, and in navigating on this plane correctly, you get to see it realized.’

Not knowing what is worthy

‘The moment that you’re dealing with the undefined Heart Center you’re dealing with somebody whose decision making process has been so distorted by always trying to prove to themselves that they’re worthy, and always trying to prove to others that they‘re worthy.

Not being able to grasp what worthiness is. That is, what is worthiness, and how is it measured, and what is this all about? Tell me what’s worthy. Tell me what is worth proving.

It leads to the same dilemma over and over and over again. It leads to somebody else telling you and somebody else taking control over you. You see that there is this disconnect from the basic function, but there‘s no theme and no way of assessing it. There’s no way of judging it. There isn’t. Not from the point of view of the not-self. But there is a sense that there is something really wrong.’

Human Design's open spleen center

Not knowing what to fear. 

‘The Splenic system is our immune system; it is our oldest awareness system. It is the foundation of our survival on this plane. And when you look at the gates of the splenic system, you‘re looking at all these gates of primal fear, all of these basic fears.

Fear is a very valuable thing. When you see it within the context of awareness, the fears that emerge out of the Spleen are the roots of our intelligence. They push us to deal with the fear if we can know the fear is there.

Completely Open Spleens don’t know what to be afraid of. My standard metaphor for that is the child standing on the roof of a house with wings that are made out of paper and glue and they‘re going to fly without any sense that coming off the roof, that these wings may not work and that they may be seriously in danger. It is not natural for them to know what to be afraid of, or what to do with fear.’

Fears of the Spleen

  • Gate 48 – fear of inadequacy
  • Gate 57 – fear of the future or of the unknown
  • Gate 44 – fear of the past
  • Gate 50 – fear of responsibility
  • Gate 32 – fear of failure
  • Gate 28 – fear of death
  • Gate 18 – fear of authority
Human Design's open solar plexus center, the emotions

Not knowing what to feel.

‘This is not knowing what to feel. And of course, that in and of itself is an enormous dilemma. Not only is there this incredible vulnerability, but also not knowing how to interpret the wave itself, being disconnected from feeling. And I know some people in my life who have a totally open Solar Plexus Center and it is just really the case. They are disconnected from it.

What you get to see is that they don’t know any of the keys that are there in the emotional system. They don’t know when to desire, they don‘t know when to be sensitive. They don’t know any of those things, because they quite literally don’t know what to feel. It‘s not that the feeling isn’t there in the sense that the energy hasn’t come into the Solar Plexus. It‘s there; they don‘t know what to make of it.

If you bring emotional energy to an autistic child, it is something that is so uncomfortable. They don’t know want to do with it. They can‘t read it. They don’t know what to make of it. They can’t really tell if it’s anger or pleasure. They don’t really know what it is. And this is the phenomenon of a totally open Solar Plexus. It just literally is not knowing what to feel.’

Not knowing what to use energy for.

‘They don’t know what the energy is for. They can point to where energy should go, in a sense, but they really don’t know what energy is all about. They have no idea. And they don’t know how to use it. They end up being all over the place, being drawn to this thing and that thing

I have a totally open Sacral and I know from my first 35 years of life I had no idea what to use my energy for. I had no idea what to use my energy for; none, whatsoever. I did this and that and this and that; it went on and on and on and on and on; no idea whatsoever. And at the same time being deeply conditioned by the authority of the generative force, and being pulled into the Generator trip. And as a Manifestor this was something that was just incredibly unhealthy for me.’

Human Design's open root center

Not knowing when to hurry.

‘But when you have somebody that has a totally open Root, they don’t know what pressure is. They don’t know what to do with the pressure. The boss comes and pressures them that they’ve got to get that done in 24 hours. They don’t know what to do with that. They don’t know what to do with that pressure.

These are the kinds of beings that just don’t know when to hurry. They had no idea; none whatsoever. They don‘t know what to do with any kind of pressure coming into their system; nothing. They have no idea what to do with it. This is where you get extreme cases, for example, of stage fright, panic attacks where you can‘t do anything. You can‘t move. You can’t move towards anything. You‘re just locked. There‘s nothing you can do about it.’

Potential for Wisdom and Outer Authority

‘Every one of these centers represents a unique unprejudiced original potential for wisdom to grasp the center themes because one doesn’t have an attachment to it. Truly, it is your place of wisdom. To know what is interesting, to know what is a good thought, a good concept, to know when articulation is special, to know what being is all about, all of these things. 

They‘re all there to be discovered and shared.

This communion is what we are about, to be able to communicate with each other through our unique expression of outer authority. Not sameness, not derivative concepts, not derivative philosophies and moralities and all of the junk that comes with the homogenized world. But to be truly different in the way in which we experience and express existence. This is what we’re about. These places that are totally open, as distorting, as vulnerable as it leaves the not-self, it becomes an incredible tool. It becomes the ultimate course that you take in this life is that you specialize in that openness.’

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