Black Magic & The 48th Gate
☉ 50.1 3130_cbe638-ae> |
☉ 61.5 3130_c187b0-47> |
⊕ 3.1 3130_3bf6ff-05> |
⊕ 62.5 3130_3a07ba-35> |
☽ 8.5 3130_a9b34c-4b> |
☽ 31.4 Moon Exalted 3130_259c41-63> |
‘Now, think about the black magician, and let me deconstruct that for you. First of all, think about what it‘s like to have the depth and not to have the energy or the ability to be able to express it. I don’t think that any gate carries more inherent frustration, not to borrow from Generator themes, but just as a gate, as a phenomenon, is the 48th gate. Even when the 48th gate gets to the 16 all it can do is talk. It‘s that 18/58, it’s that power, it‘s that juice, and it‘s that energy. It‘s like the magician that goes to the king and says I will turn your straw into gold, but I need this, this, this and this. It‘s the same thing as the research scientist going to some committee somewhere saying, look I can turn straw into gold; I need this, this, and this. I need money.
And what really was black magic? Think about what it means. I woke up one morning 21 years ago and more or less I knew how everything worked. Now, there is an interesting thing about that. You can use knowledge in many ways. You can use knowledge to take advantage of others. You can use knowledge to take advantage of ignorance.
It‘s very easy to take advantage of ignorance. There is this wonderful scene in Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto which is really a truly brilliant piece of work, at least my own experience of it. One of the great scenes in this film is the traditional executions that were taking place on top of these pyramids, rather brutal the way things were, hearts were taken out and all this sacrificing because of whatever problem happened to exist, and all this was being done with the knowledge of the shaman astrologer, the black magician who understood that there was an eclipse that was about to take place.
Here you have this huge crowd that‘s frightened by the circumstances of disease that is affecting them and crop failures, and whatever. Suddenly midday in the middle of this ceremony the sun is covered. Of course, all of these beings, being rather primitive become afraid and the high priest is telling them that the great god is putting its mouth around the sun, but we‘re good and we‘re terrific and we‘ve made enough sacrifices and now it’s going to give us a new day, and slowly but surely the eclipse goes away. That‘s black magic.
Black magic is being aware of something that in essence belongs to the collective and you don‘t give it to them. It belongs to them. Look at the circuitry; think about the circuitry, the circuitry of the collective is share. That‘s not a request. The sharing or not sharing; but it‘s there, it‘s always there. The black magician is somebody that has found a pattern that nobody else sees and wants to take advantage of that pattern and can. It goes on all the time. We forget that. We seem to see things in sort of Hollywood terminology. It‘s like going to the doctor who doesn’t really explain to you anything, but just tells you what needs to be done. They become the all-powerful magician. They know you‘re ignorant. They’ve got the pattern. They have power over you, and how easily you submit to them because they have that power over you. Of course, we tend to want to see these things in terms of good and bad, but it’s the way the collective operates.
It‘s not about somebody looking at your chart and telling you something about you. It isn‘t. All of that is interesting, all of that can be of great value, but it‘s not of value if the way in which the information can be seen is something you’re not aware of.
You have to understand it. You have to be able to integrate that into your own understanding, sensing of things in order for that to be healthy for you.
So, on one side we have the black, so-called. The thing about the black is that what makes them the thing that annoys everybody is that often they do have a pattern that nobody else has and they make it work for them. Now the dilemma in all of that is that as we‘ve progressed over these last 6500 years, Solomon’s world has been revealed. That is, we’re in the last gasps of tearing apart all of those patterns. So, there is no more, in that sense, that pattern that any one person has that they can use as a force. It‘s bringing it all to an end. The only place that you see this is at its lowest mundane level, the con artists, the hustler, and the fakes. There is no more advantage.’
Ra Uru Hu Lectures