Human Design Timeline
5-Centered | Throat Mutation | 7-Centered | 9-Centered | Emotional Mutation
5-Centered Neanderthal

‘When we‘re looking at the five-centered Neanderthal we‘re actually looking at a Right brained creature. That is, we‘re looking at a pure receptive with peripheral vision and a deep attunement to taking in their environment. All five-centered beings‘ core is their splenic system.
That is, immune system, survival in the now in response to the life around them. There was simply the ongoing perfection with the nature around them. I suppose that at some level that can be seen as quite beautiful.’ Ra Uru Hu Lectures
Neanderthal Info
Throat Mutation
90,000 years ago – Mutation of the Larynx
The larynx or voice box is an organ in the neck housing the vocal folds, which are responsible for phonation. In humans, the larynx is descended, or positioned lower than in other primates, because the evolution of humans to an upright position shifted the head directly above the spinal cord, forcing everything else downward. The repositioning of the larynx resulted in a longer cavity called the pharynx, which is responsible for increasing the range and clarity of the sound being produced.
‘That mutation of the larynx changed the way in which we were able to, in functional terms, be able to breathe and drink at the same time. You‘ll notice when a baby comes into the world that it has this ancient function. That is to breathe and suckle at the same time. And at some point, the mutation sets in and the child can no longer do that, it spits up, this kind of thing. And you get what we are. That is, that we‘re not capable of breathing and drinking at the same time.
But what that led to was the dropping of the larynx and the tremendous potential in the way in which human beings could express themselves. Neanderthal is your typical caveman audiophile; lots of grunts and groans, very, very mammalian in that sense. But when we get to the mutation in the seven-centered being—by the way, the mutation took place the 12th and the 11th gate in the BodyGraph, the 12th gate being the key, being the individual gate and the mutation of the capacity of the Throat Center to articulate. That is actually the keynote to that particular gate; it‘s a gate of articulation.
That articulation coupled with the strategic mind created the density of maia that we have today, and all of the laws and rules that went with it.’ Ra Uru Hu Lectures

‘Noam Chomsky, argues that a single change occurred in humans before leaving Africa, coincident with the Great Leap approximately 100,000 years ago, in which a common language faculty developed in a group of humans and their descendants. Chomsky bases his argument on the observation that any human baby of any culture can be raised in a different culture and will completely assimilate the language and behavior of the new culture in which they were raised. This implies that no major change to the human language faculty has occurred since they left Africa.
Citing evolutionary geneticist Svante Pääbo, they concur that a substantial difference must have occurred to differentiate Homo sapiens from Neanderthals to “prompt the relentless spread of our species, who had never crossed open water, up and out of Africa and then on across the entire planet in just a few tens of thousands of years. … What we do not see is any kind of ‘gradualism’ in new tool technologies or innovations like fire, shelters, or figurative art.” Berwick and Chomsky therefore suggest language emerged approximately between 200,000 years ago and 60,000 years ago.’ Origin of Language Wikipedia
7-Centered Homosapien

4000 – 3000 BC
‘If I think about Rome 2000 years ago, it’s pretty much like Ibiza today. There are a few different things, but there isn’t a hell of a lot of progress. Consciousness hasn’t come very far since then. What has happened is that we have had a growth of information. We have a fabulous collection of information without synthesis, just stuff.’ Ra Uru Hu Lectures
“Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man.”
The Epic of Gilgamesh | est. 2100 BC
‘When we move from the Neanderthal we actually get to the dilemma and really what is the core of what I have to say today. We get to so-called Homo sapiens or Cro-Magnon. We get to the seven-centered being and the seven-centered being was a tremendous mutation out of our evolutionary tree. That is, a polarity to a tremendous transformation in the way in which the brain system is going to operate.
Because the moment that we moved into the seven-centered process we moved into a process that mind itself was no longer something that was simply a brain instrument of receptivity that was only capable of receptivity, but now we have the mutation of a brain system that can be strategic. Ra Uru Hu Lectures
Cross of Planning | 1615

‘From 1615, it was required by the Program that humanity would have to work harder and harder and harder just to be able to maintain the structure that they were programmed to build. There has never been a greater enslavement in the history of humanity to this bargain of security that comes from community. And out of that security that comes from community, we have all of the things that are rooted in the 40/37, which is “My tribe is better than your tribe. My government is better than your government. My God is better than your God. My business is better than your business,” and all of the stuff that goes with it.
Since 1615 and until 2027, we have been stuck in the most deeply material period in the history of humanity. Never before has there been such an accentuation on materialism. And it’s not like it’s our fault. It’s not like there’s good guys and bad guys in the materialism business, that Pope John Paul, who leaves dog shit is better than Bill Gates who will leave a zillion. It’s not about that. It’s about understanding that all of us in the Yin and Yang, this and that, of what the spectrum is, that we’ve all been caught in the material wheel and don’t think that it’s going to be a great relief when it goes away, because it isn’t. But nonetheless, this is what the 40/37 brought us.
The 40th gate is the love of work, it works to receive pleasure and affection from the people that it works for. And fundamentally what we have in the 40/37 is this working for the community, working for one‘s children, working for one‘s partner, and so forth and so on. And it is a fundamental bargain—I do this and you do that. This is something that is extended to the community as a whole.
This is what we’ve had since 1615. It‘s very, very difficult for anybody really grasp how unbelievably powerful the background frequency is. After all, your parents, your grandparents, your great-grandparents going back generations and generations and generations have all come into this world, incarnated on this plane with the same background frequency. We do take it for granted.’ Ra Uru Hu Lectures
9-Centered Being | 1781
Pluto in gate 41 | The beginning of the emotional mutation that completes in 2027

‘As far as I can tell, in 1781 Homo sapiens came to an end. That’s clear to me. I would call this form now Homo sapiens interregnum, something like that, because it’s neither this nor that. It is no longer strictly human in the traditional sense of what human is. Yet, it’s not fully what it can be, what it is intended to house. After all, this is a medium for a transition of life’s direction in terms of the evolution of humanity. This is the transitional field. It is why it is so difficult. And yet, at the same time, it offers us something that never existed before. It is why that only now in this form is it possible to awaken, to be correct.’ Rave Cosmology IV
‘You can see it in so many ways, the way in which our eyes work, the way in which we look out at things and we strategically see them. That is, when we look at Homosapien man we look at the development of the greatest of hunters. They put the arrow together with the bow and created a weapon for hunting, for killing, for conquering, for basically dominating and populating the planet as a whole.
They brought us God and they brought us control, morality, they brought us these things. They brought us religion. Neanderthals didn‘t have religion. Religion, like morality, is a control mechanism. And everything about understanding the world that we live in and how we are so dysfunctional in our relationship to our potential, so incredibly dysfunctional; we are nine-centered beings. The seven-centered being is truly a different creature. As I said, it‘s no longer here.’ Ra Uru Hu Lectures
Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix | 2027
Pluto in Gate 41 | The completion of the emotional mutation
The term ’emotion’ was first defined by Thomas Brown after emerging as a modern concept in the 1830’s. He stated that, ‘no one felt emotion before about 1830. Instead, they felt other things like ‘passions’, ‘accidents of the soul,’ and ‘moral sentiments,’ explaining them very differently than we do today.

By 1872, Darwin argued that emotions served no evolved purpose for humans, neither in communication, nor in aiding survival. His research on animal emotion led to discovering the neural underpinnings of emotion.
Emotion being essential to human decision-making and planning was demonstrated in the 1990s by Antonio Damasio when he displayed that losing ‘the physiological capacity for emotion’ results in losing the capacity to make decisions despite having robust faculties for rationally assessing options.
Modern neuroscience has abandoned the notion that emotions and rationality are opposing forces, seeing them as an integrated whole. However, humanity is still attempting to reach a scientific consensus on a definition for the term ‘Emotion.’ We continuously seek to understand emotion in multiple diverse fields, including psychology, medicine, history, sociology, computer science, and philosophy.

‘What fascinates me is there’s a new art form that’s going to come into the world. I don’t mean to sound so mystical, but it’s true. There is an art form that is going to come into the world that is strictly related to this particular awareness. Each awareness brings its own artistic potential and here we’re going to have something else. This awareness spirit, this spirit awareness, and this spirit awareness operating through the potential of what the Right brings, which is this deep, deep, receptivity.
This is an awareness that penetrates at a different level; it penetrates into the substance, the energy fields that are there that we do not yet have tools for.
And then we’re finally going to have the real fulfillment of nine-centered potential. We’re very limited. Limitation is really an amazing thing. Your eyes can only see what they see. You don’t see neutrinos. You don’t see gamma rays. You don’t see all kinds of things because you’re not designed to see them. And not being designed to see them means that you don’t have any way of assessing them other than theoretically.
We have a whole new set of information that’s being made available to us as a cognitive creature. It’s a whole new set of information, very profound in its own way, more complex than either of its predecessors, subtler than they are, more sensitive than they are, and with the power to be deeply trans-auric in that they ride on the wave, that they take in so much and they take it in in the right sense.’
‘In 2027 we enter into this; this is the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. We’re going to move away completely from this tribal nature, we‘re going to move away from the bargain that has held us together in our relationships. We‘re going to move away from the bargain that has determined the nature of our relationships through the material demands of life on this plane. We’re going to going to move away from the dependency that we have on those relationships because it is no longer going to be the background frequency.
We‘re going to enter into an age that is incredibly individual in its nature.’ Ra Uru Hu Lectures