White Magic & The 11th Gate



31.4 Moon Exalted

‘What is this white magic? I guess at my kindest I would say that it’s storytelling and it’s storytelling about experiences that may be possible. And then again, well, they may not. I mean, you can be Homer talking about goddesses coming out of thighs. You can be the pope talking about Jesus coming out of a virgin birth. It depends on the story. They‘re stories. And they‘re stories that are fascinating in the sense that like everything having to do with the program, everything is a control mechanism.

The raising of the spirit through belief, anxiety; the dark side looks for a reason why they are afraid of a thing that they don’t grasp. But the white side seeks the spirit, that‘s all, to be free of the anxiety, and to be free of it by having a sense that there is an experience that is possible for them that does not exist in the human experiential way. It doesn‘t.

It is interesting about how deep this is in humankind, this readiness to believe in an experience that cannot be verified or proved, that has absolutely no evidence of its veracity, that in fact as we have become more and more and more sophisticated in so many ways these religious myths are ludicrous. It is just not something that is believable anymore. But not for all, as we well know. The not-self is still ruled by these things. You can see it in the world around us. Those that live by conspiracy theories that think that there are always people who know something that others don’t know that are using it to manipulate the way in which the world works.

And on the other side the believers, the true believers. Oh my goodness, all those true believers wherever they may be, whatever faith they may have, those true believers who believe for the spirit. You can see that in the world. You can see that the fervor of religiosity is directly related to poverty. Life‘s a bitch. It just is. Most of humanity suffers terribly and they are not-self. They do not operate by their own authority; they operate by the authority of their cultures, their families, their tribes. It doesn’t surprise me that no matter what the faith may be that they all bow down in that belief. It’s powerful stuff. It‘s the way in which the collective controls us. It is what the collective does.

Don’t be fooled by thinking that one is white and one is black. They‘re the collective. It is two faces of the same thing. You can see that the whole way in which the global cycles are structured is that they are structured so that we are dominated by the collective forces that bind us together, literally. And they bind us together through these two poles, through the intensity of programming, what it is for the not-self to be controlled in this way.

All of this is a hold over; all of this is the leftover of seven-centered consciousness. It has nothing to do with us. All of this is about power, manipulation, and control. But the moment that you’re operating out of your own authority none of those things matter. They don’t matter and they don’t touch you, and they can‘t. But this is not the way of the world. The world is driven by these things. Human beings who are plagued in their bodies, driven by every new announcement of some discovery, some nuance in the pattern that may or may not change their future, everyone’s future. You have a world that is leaning on the collective, leaning on God for its light, leaning on the form principle and its intelligence to be able to develop the necessary mechanisms. This assumption that it’s not going to stop, this deep reliance that we have on the collective, deep, deep reliance that we have to keep us going, to keep us civil in our movement, and it‘s going to collapse like a house of cards.’

Ra Uru Hu Lectures

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