53.5 Assertiveness
☉ 32.6 3122_6dc0b0-9e> |
☉ 61.4 3122_e4e2cf-da> |
⊕ 42.6 3122_d4821a-b1> |
⊕ 62.4 3122_edfa9b-8c> |
☽ 24.1 3122_7299fe-f1> |
☽ 53.5 Detriment 3122_05dba4-cc> |
‘As I pointed out to you, the first and the fifth line are unusual due to the aspect that they both have Neptunian exaltation. In both cases, this exaltation is not functioning because we don’t have Neptune around in anybody alive. Actually, that is probably not true because there are a couple of people around who are over 115 years old. There may be a couple of people that are actually carrying that vibration. There is a guy in Lebanon who is 135 years old. He must have it. There may be a couple of remnants in the world, but what this is saying is much greater for us. Please remember that it is a format energy of our evolutionary process.
The fifth line, Assertion, has a very beautiful Neptunian exaltation. It says: The underlying and often psychic recognition of the intrinsic values of development that even in periods of isolation has the assertiveness to maintain direction. Its very power garners continued support even from those who are basically opposed. That is very lovely but it does not exist in the world. It will be wonderful when Neptune comes there in the next century and brings back this quality to the experiential way.
The other thing is that in this assertion, the way in which the fifth line is projected upon is the Earth in detriment, and not on: The pressure to recognize the value of development and the energy for beginnings, regardless of circumstances. What we live with in the world is: Where the energy for beginnings attracts the very forces that can abort them. This is a time of the survival of the fittest. You stand up and say, “I think it is this,” and somebody immediately says, “No. I think it is that.” This is what we have today and what we had for a long time now as the way in which development is projected upon. Think about what that has done to our civilization in this era.
In the black book: Earth in detriment. An over-assertiveness that, rather than applied to maintaining support in the face of opposition and isolation, may actually strengthen the opposing forces by its attitude. This is what we have in the world. This attitude of “I am beginning this and this is the way,” and somebody opposes. We immediately have a struggle here, and it is the Earth. This is grounding us now. It is the way it is supposed to be now. In the global cycle course that I teach, I talk about the longer-term trends that are there for us. This is a time of great genetic diversity. We have been living in an era of great genetic diversity in which we mix the genetic pools across the planet. We are having an intellectual diversity that we have never had before. This not being fixed on one way, constantly breaking, jumping in and out, this is the part of the consciousness of the total field now because this is a format energy and they are so important.
Please understand that the way we experience abstract people today is not the way they really are. Abstract people get a bad press in this time because the fact of the matter is that these two Neptunian aspects that are veiled are not there. They create an imbalance.
The channel 42/53 says: A design of balanced development. We are in an imbalanced time. We are off-kilter. We are out of balance on purpose. After all, that is the plan. This is time for us to be out of balance, so it is very important to see that, as we move into the next Neptunian cycle that affects this, we will come back into a time balance and thus, those people who work in Human Design in the next century will have a totally different way of looking at, for example, the nature of the abstract experience because there is a different foundation. There will be a balanced foundation and there will be balanced way in which it is projected upon from the outside.
Format energies have enormous influence. You can be somebody who is totally individual in your design, and you have the 53rd gate. This gate rules you because it is a format energy. It will insist on that format being followed and, instead of you pulsing along the way you should, your individuality works in cycles. This is: you are not individual, you are very individual and it ends. It does not follow the normal format.
Formats have enormous power, so here in this format is our evolutionary way. We are in an experiential way that is out of balance now. That is not a matter of good or bad. That is just mechanically-speaking. We are on this side only. If individuals have the logic format, they get very fixed on their habits. They get fixed on repeating something as an individual. Often that is very artistic: the individual expression loaded with the capacity to repeat and focus. Thus you have a lot of composers or painters. A lot of creativity comes out of that because there is the discipline in the focus to stay with an individual process. The format dictates the way in which the frequency will work. It will not block the individuality.’
Ra Uru Hu | Line Companion