Emotional Awareness
☉ 54.5 Sun Exalted 3025_0bac58-09> |
⊕ 53.5 Earth Detriment 3025_924dd9-46> |
☽ 23.6 3025_b20598-48> |
☉ 32.1 Sun Exalted 3025_947f0c-a6> |
⊕ 42.1 3025_dcaf21-df> |
☽ 37.5 Venus Exalted 3025_f9ee61-24> |
‘And what we know in Human Design is that there is no truth in the now. That is, no truth in the now for the emotional being. So, the motor function is very powerful. It takes away the existential potential for truth. There are many things that it gets in the way of, though there’s something else that’s going on. Beneath the level of the motor function there is something really profound at work within the Solar Plexus, what modern science has now been discovering for the last 10 years; that is, the density of neural activity that is in our Solar Plexus, a level of neural activity that, by the way, far exceeds the neural activity we find in our brain system.
And Solar Plexus awareness is basically what is understood in variable work as ‘Right’ awareness. It’s very different from the way the cognition operates from the mental plane, and even more different than the way cognition operates at the splenic level. It is one of the things that you understand as a splenic person and you realize that the awareness that your spleen comes to in the moment is not translatable to the mind. It isn’t.
In the sense that the mind is not in any way capable of understanding, other than through theoretical postulations, why the Spleen is saying yes or no to anything. It is an awareness that operates within its own specific parameters. The same thing is true for the mind.
And the same thing is going to be true here, because what we’re dealing with in terms of Solar Plexus awareness is that we’re not dealing with the mental way in which we have achieved cognition. The mind is a measuring machine and the way in which that measurement is something that we can self-reflectively look at coming out of the Solar Plexus system, is an awareness that is much more sensitive. It is an awareness rooted in being able to cognitively interpret the environment in a very different way – interpret the auric field, interpret the electromagnetic field, and being able to interpret things through the tactile.
There are all kinds of levels in which information is going to be garnered from Solar Plexus awareness that is not going to be understood. That is, in the spontaneous sense, the mind will have no more access to what the emotional awareness is picking up than it does to what the Spleen is. It will not.
As a matter of fact, if we’re living in a world that’s homogenized and everybody is stuck up here and living their life through their minds and directing their lives through their minds, there isn’t going to be any access to that at all, anymore than – it’s the old joke about the not-self who is splenic, you visit them in the hospital and the first thing they say, ‘oh, I just knew it.’
So, we’re going to be living with a real change in the way in which information is being taken in. Again, those beings who are going to be so sensitive at this level, if they’re not prepared for this, if they don’t understand the way in which this works, that it’s going to present as many problems as benefits to those that are going to be so endowed.’
Ra Uru Hu | Emotionality in the Time of Mutation